China Wines Information Website (http://en.winesinfo.com/)
is the biggest website that offers the latest and most professional and creditable Chinese wine business news and commercial
The website in Chinese version (http://www.winesinfo.com/) has many
columns as follows: China wine news, international wine news, wine supply and demand, merchant center for importation of
wine, exhibition information, online wine shops, wine clubs, wine forum, etc. Thanks to the abundant and comprehensive information,
we make a great success in attracting the most attentions of Chinese wineries, wine agents, distributors, venders, enthusiasts
and consumers.
The website in English version (http://en.winesinfo.com/) is
dedicated to provide oversea wineries and exporters with the latest news in Chinese wine industry and market, the outlook
of Chinese wine industry, the Chinese wine legislation, the information of wine supply, demand and exhibition in China.
This website has become the first choice for oversea wineries and exporters to look into the Chinese wine market.
With more than 25000 - 30000 IP visits and 150000 - 200000 pages clicked every day, we have a very high visibility to both
domestic and foreign wineries, merchants, Chinese importers and agents. Therefore, this website is the best platform for
oversea wineries and merchants to seek a Chinese agent with low cost and high efficiency. You can spend less money and do
better, comparing that you look for an agent through the trade associations and wine exhibitions.