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China wine market shows intensifying competition in coming years by Stacier Wei18/02/2013  

The statistics jointly released by Vinexpo and IWSR shows that, from 2007 to 2011, China has had pretty good speed of growth of wine sales--144%, far more higher than that of the coming four years. Nevertheless, China also will increase wine yield substantially. Since 2007, China has jumped from the 10th to the 8th in the places of global wine output. It is estimated that, by 2016, China will replace Australia and Chile becoming the sixth wine producing country.

In the coming several years, competition in China wine market will be intensified: the market will be expanding in output by 40% in the futher four years, while opportunities for foreign brands into China will be more limited.

The president of Vinexpo--Xavier de Eizaguirre says that the future of the Chinese market is challenged, especially for the leading country in wine market, France; everyone wants to have a finger in the pie.

The increase speed of China wine market is incredible, compared to other markets. Yet, the average of wine consumption in China is just 1.6 liters per person. It's predicted that, by 2016, wine consumption by Chinese will reach to 250 million cases. In terms of consumption value, China should be surpassing UK and become the second larggest wine consumption country, with wine consumption value reaching to 16.7 billion US$.

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